In the beginning, America taught her children in the schools about the Creator. The Bible was the first book used in school classrooms.
God is acknowledged in many songs, documents, and monuments in America. Below are some proofs about this:
America's pledge of allegiance has the words, "One Nation Under God" in it.
"IN GOD WE TRUST" was added to America's coins in April, 1864.
On the podium in the United State's House of Representatives is written these words:
The United States Supreme Court has many Biblical references engraved in various places on the premises. Above the grand entrance to the court is an engraved image of Moses holding the Ten Commandments. Images depicting the Ten Commandments are engraved on various doors inside the court.
On the back of the United States' National Seal are the Latin words,
"Annuit Coeptis", which means, "He that is God favors our undertakings".
On the Liberty Bell and on the Statue of Liberty, the Bible verse LEVXXV.X is written. This refers to Leviticus 25:10 which reads, " Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants."
The Declaration of Independence has four references to God written in it.
These three National Monuments have references to God engraved on them:
The Lincoln Memorial
The Jefferson Memorial
The Washington Monument
At the very top of the Washington Monument, on its tip facing east, is written the words, "Laus Deo", which means "Praise Be To God".
George Washington was the first American President to say, "So Help Me, God" while taking the presidential oath of office.
The truth is, America knows that from her beginning, God had established her to be a great nation.
There are many who are trying to erase these facts from America's history. God will erase them.