
Racism can be found in every race because human beings have eyes and see first the outward appearance of their neighbor.

Some people think they are superior to others because of their skin color and assume what the other person must be like based on his different skin color.  It is like hating someone purely based on the color of the car the person drives, or because of the color of the house the person lives in.

Hating others is wrong; but hating someone purely on the basis of their appearance is a sin of the basest type.

Blacks can be racists, Whites can be racists, Asians can be racists, Indians can be racists, Arabs can be racists, and Latinos can be racists.  Even when we don't want to be that way, we can't help feeling certain ways about others based on what we see.  We are human.

"Playing the Race Card" in politics in order to manipulate members of one race to resent or hate members of another race is, in itself, a racist act.

God is not a racist.  God is a Spirit (John 4:24), so, when He looks at us human beings, He does not look at the outward appearance, but He looks at the heart or soul of each person (1 Samuel 16:7).  He looks at who we are on the inside and He judges us according to our thoughts and what we do and say, not on how we look.

In Heaven, there are people from every nation, race, tongue, and tribe represented (Revelation 7:11-19). They have one common faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ , and they love God and their fellow man.

Racists are not allowed in Heaven.

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