Should Christians Shut Up?

God wants His people to recognized evil and react accordingly towards it, and to take a stand against it and not be complacent and silent.  Read Ezekiel 9:: 1-6

Vocal Christians who do speak up about wrong doing are told by the world that they should shut up and stay out of the discourse with their "narrow-minded" views. Even some of their fellow Christians believe silence and tolerance is the best way to go, even when they know something is wrong. Thus, they have lost their saltiness. Read Matthew 5:13.

For the Christian, who, through the study of the scriptures, have been trained to discern between good and evil (Read Hebrews 5:13-14), keeping silent when evil is being done is not an option.

We cannot close our eyes and pretend that all is well as we see wrong doing occurring.  Satan wants Christians to be afraid to speak out for fear of being called "judgmental" or "hypocrites".  The world has learned that by calling a Christian "judgmental" or a hypocrite", they may very well get him or her to shut up.

When persons in authority are doing wrong and are acting corruptly, the world tells Christians that they should recall Romans 13, and shut up to show proper due respect to the governing authority. The world likes to use Romans 13 to keep Christians from speaking out when the government or someone in authority is clearly doing wrong.  These verses however, are telling Christians to not become violent government over-throwers, or insurrectionists.  These verses are not telling Christians to shut up.

John the Baptist spoke out against the wrong doings of King Herod. Read Mark 6:14-29.  Of course, he lost his head for speaking out, but for the glory of God.

Without fear, Jesus Christ called this same King Herod a "fox" in the presence of His enemies, the Pharisees.  Read Luke 13:31-32. He knew His words would soon reach Herod's ears by their mouths.

Jesus later refused to even speak to Herod when He was face to face with him. Was Jesus being disrespectful or insolent by refusing to answer Herod's persistent questioning? Read Luke 23:8-12.

Jesus had no need to speak with the likes of Herod. Jesus knew His authority trumped that of Herod and that His silence, at the time, was to fulfill scripture (Isaiah 53:7).

Today, when wrong doing is occurring, even in high places, Christians must speak up and be salt in this world, for Jesus' sake.

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