Israel Is There Because God Says So

There are those who claim Israel has no right to exist in what they call "Palestine"; but, Israel is there, not because the United Nations says so, but because God Himself says so.

It is God Who placed Israel back in the land He gave to her back in the days of the Pharaohs of Egypt.

God created a nation and called her, "Israel", and placed the people of Israel in Canaan thousands of years ago; But, because of her sins, God displaced most of them into Babylon and throughout the world. After 70 years in exile, He brought her back into that land again, and she was there when Jesus Christ came to visit. Read Daniel, Chapter 9

God has always left a remnant of Israel in that land throughout history. Israel's enemies know this, but still perpetuate the lie that before the U.N. mandate, Israel never existed in the land.

The enemies of Israel get their hatred and lies from Satan (Read Revelation, Chapter 12), who has always sought the destruction of the Jews; but, God sees to it that Israel is never utterly destroyed.

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