The "Reverend" Who?

I looked up the word, "Reverend" in the Webster's New World Dictionary.

Reverend is defined as "Worthy of reverence: used with 'the' as a title of respect for a member of the clergy."

What mortal man is worthy of such reverence, meaning "a feeling of deep respect, love, and awe"?  Not one. No, not one.

Yet, there are certain men, political men, who proudly wear the title, "Reverend", while specializing in the religion of race baiting.  Their sermons are not filled with reverence for Christ or the preaching of the gospel of peace, or love in its purity; but instead, political rhetoric designed to separate man from man based upon the color of the flesh.

They have had the chance to preach Jesus Christ crucified for the sins of the world and raised back to life on national television stations, but they do not.

They have had the opportunity to urge men to repent from their sins on major news channels, but they do not because they have found race baiting and politics to be much more lucrative.

They call themselves "Reverend" and are called "Reverend" unworthily.

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