The Raging Mobs

When I see violent mobs rampaging in Europe, Africa, Asia, the U.S., the Middle East, and elsewhere, destroying and burning as they go for this reason and that, I contend that they have a common, underlying venom and hatred for Christ, Christians, and Jews.

I wrote this poem about their violence:

Why Do The Heathens Rage?

Why do the heathens rage
and the nations imagine
a very vain thing?

Jesus is on the throne
and He reigns forever
and ever as King;

And, Satan's end is in sight,
so, he's fighting back
with all of his might,

Raging in the hearts of men,
and fighting the Lord
in a war he can't win.

Constance V. Walden

Read Psalm 2, Entire Chapter
and Revelation 12, Entire Chapter

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